
What gets you annoyed in a chess game?

When my opponent blunders, don't resign, and then I lose the resulting winning position because I fell asleep.
When a player don't start the game when he sees he plays black. For **** sake, create a game with white if you wanna play with white!
The moment when I realize that I play an engine. What can I do now but to accept the humiliation and the fact that lichess will never catch him?
Playing with a foolish teamate vs a foolish player
(Game begins)
Smart guy: Move over!
foolish teamate: Be quiet! I will make the best moves!
(Loses a rook, bishop and a pawn for an h pawn)
foolish player: Oh I am gonna win!
(Checkmates in 1)
foolish player and teammate: Oh! (smart guys name), Im smarter than you! Ha! (Sticks out tounge)
Never play with a bully or an annoying player, only your friend
When people in a losing position rather let the time run out than resign. Only happens with <1800 players, never higher rated. Good players respect the game and doesn't behave childish. 99% of the time I might add.. :)

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