
Letting Time Run Out

I think that, if players are going to leave their boards and make opponents wait until time expires, Lichess should play a short cut from Paul McCartney's "Ban(ne)d on the Run" song when the clock runs out...
The players are not allowed to leave the venue. If you report it to the arbiter you will be awarded with an instant win.

It is up to the organisation/association to impose further sanctions: exclusion of the current tournament, temporary bans and so on.

The player should be able to suggest to an arbiter (Engine) that an opponent should resign. The arbiter button would be a new web feature that analyzes the last position before the game ends. If there is a mate the player most have pre-moved the moves like in correspondence chess before pressing the Arbiter button. The automated arbiter declares the result of the game.
@Sarg0n It was the last round in a USCF-rated event, he left while it was my move, and nobody realized he wasn't coming back until he had a few minutes left, at which I might as well wait for his time to tick away.
Official report to the association. There should be measures against extremely unsportive behaviour up to bans. Such things happen.
The annoying bit is that players are (were) able to start a new game after having abandoned the previous one without resigning.
It shouldn't be possible.
I was just going to come on here and complain about this lol. Ive only been here a little while and this is the first time its come up, But im currently up three minor pieces and 3 pawns vs my opponents king. They just waited 5 minutes to make a move i guess hoping I would leave in that time (classical format) I wish in cases where it is obvious someone is wasting the opponents time they would just get 1 warning, then a ban.

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