
The inquisition caught another cheater. Congratulations.

I can't see why someone who enjoys playing correspondence chess with engines and looks for strong competitors wouldn't simply go play with ICCF or some other specialized website, rather than on Lichess ?!
There are people on Lichess who like to play correspondence games without engines. By playing rated games against these, engine users kinda mess up the others' ratings, especially during the phase where the engine user is still "underrated".
I assume this is one of the reasons why engine use is not allowed in rated games on Lichess.

I guess if you find more like-minded people, you could try to convince Lichess to introduce separate ratings for engine-assisted correspondence chess.
But for now, there is no option for competitive play with engine assistance, so you'll have to play casual games instead.

Because it is nice to have everything under one roof, correspondence, blitz and a lively chess forum. Besides, i am not that ambitioned anymore, and high level correspondence chess is extremely time consuming and expensive. You pay fees, pay for 7 man tablebases and spend a good portion of your days in front of the machine analyzing.

I think the better question is: Why doesn't Lichess just take over all the international and national correspondence chess associations? Offer something like "advanced correspondence" for cyborgs, implement a real time control that makes i.e. 10 moves/30 days possible, and in an instant a whole world of correspondence chess players would come to play here.
There are already many websites dedicated to correspondence chess. I can't see why Lichess should promote it more than they already do ?

There are way more players interested in live chess, so it's logical they push live chess if they're after big numbers.

It seems you misunderstood the rules and as a logical consequence you are marked for using computer assistance now because an opponent reported you.

Not knowing is no excuse...

So I think you should create a new account and follow the rules this time.

Best wishes
I think we need to make a clear distinction between "engine users" and "opening book users" ----

As far as I know, I read this on the forums somewhere, you are allowed to consult an *OPENING BOOK* during the first *10* moves of a correspondence game. Anything after that is considered cheating.

I really enjoy knowing that I'm following a certain line up until a certain point, like I'm trying the "Archangel Variation" of the Ruy Lopez as Black against ... @Dr_King_Schultz actually =P

By being able to play a known line, I can learn the feel of a given variation to determine which one I would like to play again.. I want to know "how does this particular opening variation prepare me for middlegame... for endgame"... so I can start building my opening repertoire with real names and ideas.

On the flip side, Engines are never allowed in rated games, I believe.
#14 I think the real question is, if you are innocent and have written to the mods, how is it you are still labelled as a cheat?

#16 I don't think people should make a new account. I think you'll find multiple accounts are against the rules. You shouldn't encourage people to break rules of lichess. If someone is a cheat, they should take the consequences; if they aren't, they don't usually get into trouble without their tag being removed.

(Best wishes, Ben)

I dont know what you are talking about. I never encouraged anyone to "break rules of lichess".

Making a new account does not mean making another one. Its without any problems possible to delete your old account...

#18 Am i innocent? Or am I maybe only less guilty than all those quiet engines in correspondence? Or not even that?

This will be answered. For now I am still labeled "a cheat" (which i am certainly not) because the mods have not yet looked into it. I've got an answer saying the case is looked into and there will be a reply within a few days.

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