
En Croissant: The Ultimate Chess Toolkit

Looks like when running a report where Black checkmates White the graph shoots up as if White mated Black. Not sure if this was already addressed or a bug, but thought I'd share. I used Stockfish 16 and ran the report at depth 30.
position databases (books)
book digestion (with control)

I wonder if it is possible to have the following, in any chess gui. or if I will have to go on some data analysis programming plaform like python or R, and deal with SQL databaseds to combine the following:

relational game and position database (how big can that get? I mean not books type of position database, but all positions from all the games and the games, all in some for of SQL database?

I have no clue of the computing constraint for a given PGN database of games. (not just my games, this is about games either from many players, or allready curated for some target like opening knowledge or test suite position databases (and possible games from those, with sets of players, likely engines). Is there something that can toy interactively within human day of work that can combine both the full postion information and corresponding games datasets. This would not be about only grinding or extrating decision tree types of books. (it could, but not enough). So maybe the size of games, relations with size of position data set, and typical home computer and other resources rules of thumb. Would such a GUI as encroissant, be able to build on its SQL choice, like I thought banksguia SQL proposal would have allowed.

otherwise maybe data analysis tools with binary data structures and programmatic tools could do that.. But that would be work I would avoid, if a GUI could handle some medium size problems of the kind. Say for example. the lichess opening repository, all its games, and all its positoins as EPD, as proof of concept. if that was conceivable to use as I tried to explain. Then I could test some ideas first in such a tool, before investing learning and coding struggle (and bloody debugging from hell, I am error prone in the details, so hell.. and pain in the general neck area for sure...). I like GUI software that is also powerful (in user control).
Awesome project @FrankWillow, and I see you have been very active on the github lately!

Note a key feature missing for analysis is the showing of variation arrows.

When studying a pgn game that contains variations, other applications (lichess, chessx, scid etc.) show arrows for each alternative reply the pgn game contains for the current position. This is what allows the user to navigate the annotated game's variations.

Thanks for the great work you have put in this app.
@tomasarad said in #71:
> Hi! on Catalina (MacOS) the interface is just a blank dark window with no other GUI element, can be fixed somehow?
after update on Catalina still have a black windorâw withouth any posibilities