
Some Puzzling Analysis

I may have found a bug. You know how one of the features of New Puzzles versus Old Puzzles is that you can no longer look at a puzzle and say "Naah, don't fancy this one: Let me browse away and come back so I get something different"? Well, today I had *started* a puzzle (i.e. I found "the best move" in the first and second instance), and then someone sent me a message and I clicked on it [rather than the open tab showing my inbox] and when I went back to puzzles I got a different one and had to start from was an interesting one as well, I felt white had to play h4, h3 or even g3 to avoid a back-rank mate before mating black. I hasten to add that I'm not too fussed because the way I'm playing today I probably would have messed it up anyway, but it looks like I'll never know the answer so I thought I should mention it.

I tried my browser history, to no avail. Of course if I had known this was going to happen I would have taken note of the puzzle's ID. I could probably set it up again on the analysis board, but I doubt that this is peculiar to that puzzle alone.
Green is succeeded, red is failed pzls. Why light and dark green, what be dark green?
Very cool to see the relevant strength per topic. Can we also see this of other players, would be very interested in seeing some of my favorite titled players.
I like the new puzzle system better, in the past you had a random puzzle like puzzle 102001 and the next puzzle 102031 because between puzzle 102002 and 102030 the level of difficulty of the puzzle is lower or higher due to the rating, now with the new puzzle system you can choose the tactical theme, yes it is possible to touch.

looking at the statistics of the last 30 days with 2379 completed puzzles

I would like that in the next updates on the pages it can be observed in the other player accounts, not only in your own account that can currently be done.
I'm very much enjoying the new puzzle system. Being able to narrow down the areas that I need the most improvement on is the Bee's Knees!
It's all very nice, well presented, great puzzles. However I wish we would get back the feature wherein if you don't complete a puzzle, you get the same one back the next time. This does away with just skipping a puzzle if it's hard, and allows player puzzle ratings to inflate even more.

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