
Looking For A Chess Coach Willing to Pay $120/hr

I am looking for a chess coach who is at least 1500 classical. Maximum is 2500 classical, any higher and I do not think I can keep up with their chess knowledge. If anyone is interested please respond either in this forum or by DM'ing me. No opening preference. Must speak either English or French. I am willing to pay $120/hr and will send the money via paypal.

ALSO, please leave at least one of your best games in the forum or with your application so I can judge whether we have the same playing style and if we can work together. Thank you to everyone for reading and to those brave enough to apply.

Do you realize there is a coach page here where you can email a large variety of professional coaches?

edit: Wow, I bit hard on this troll.
Ill work for you if I can pay you $120 hour. Have you ever studied Robby Fishermans games or Caropov? They are pretty good and will help you improve to like maybe 1200 lichess classical.

Je ne parle pas francais. :(

here is my best game.
I had black. e3 f5 Qe2 g5 Qh5
$120/hour ?

I know a GM who takes $10/hour.

Also 1500 Classical is a LOW rating.
I'm sorry, you'd have to give $130 CAD a hour for me.
@PawnRavager given your 2300 blitz rating, you can be the coach of the 1500 classical player.

If you are serious about the coaching, you need at least an FM for your coach.
I am super serious about my need for a coach. Blitz is easy to win because most people are easy to flag. In classical on the other hand I am severely worse. I will send y'all a link to my fide profile so that you can see I am in desperate need of help and a coach. Thank you!
Also, I do not appreciate troll posts. Though they are funny, they mock applicants and myself so please limit yourself to one troll post a day.

Thank you!

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