
Looking For A Chess Coach Willing to Pay $120/hr

are you really Jason Cao lol? if so everyone is getting trolled by a world U10 champion and one of canada's best juniors
Donate $120 to a charity of your choice and I'll give you an one hour lesson on how to find a coach.
Why do you waste time with this stupid post?

You must have serious issues. I have never seen a good player make a post like this. Because they usually love chess, live and breathe it.

This post is not love for chess and this is not respect for chess.

You are either physically very young or spiritually very young.

I hope you find appreciation for chess. Maybe you will stop giving your ego credit for your talent. Because it truly is misplaced there.
Why work for this cheap? Heck I'll pay $1000 an hour. Just send me your best games and your routing number, soc. sec. # included please.
Oldest trolling post around. Older than the Nigerian "you won the lottery" !
Hello I am a Nigerian warlord looking to buy an internet connection.
I might as well get a chess coach along with that. Please contact me by messenger pigeon.
See you next year!
I will take you as my student if you are worthy. Your money is no use to me, please do not insult me by mentioning it again. YOU will audition for ME. Not the other way around, and perhaps the first thing I teach you will be humility.

I have had many students over the years, every single one of them has either become a GM or come to understand that titles are an exension of the great lie of physical reality. I can not list their names nor can they list mine. We are both sworn to secrecy as you will be IF I accept you as a student.

You should understand that my training methods would be considered unusual by the mainstream chess world. I do not "train" you to a static view of chess or meaning. I UNTRAIN you from the lies your brain has been telling you from the time you were born. Many chess coaches will "encourage" you but not me. Freedom is entangled in the expansion of positivity and I won't have any part of it.

Many chess teachers will try to teach you openings but that is a fool's errand. Knowledge is a reflection of species specific chaos and those who chase it only find themselves waiting at the end.

If you are interested meet me where the Mahaweli river meets the Mahandi on the night of the next full moon. Come alone and bring nothing but clothes on your back.

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