
What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard someone say about chess/a chess player?

“Chess is racist because white always gets to go first”
- my classmate, 2021

1) Your classmate is probably one of those people who think Black-people cannot be Racist.

2) The stupidest thing I've heard someone say about Chess is (probably) things like "You need to study Chess for *An insanely long - unnecessary - and stupid amount of time* every day to improve/become titled".
@Shadow1414 said in #2:

> 2) The stupidest thing I've heard someone say about Chess is (probably) things like "You need to study Chess for *An insanely long - unnecessary - and stupid amount of time* every day to improve/become titled".

Probably this.

Anyone who thinks it is easy to achieve mastery, or improve past a certain point without putting in a lot of time and effort is willfully ignorant of how much there is to learn in Chess.

Anyone who believes in the "Work hard" quote is going to waste insane amount of hours working on something to improve - when in reality, working well is the key to improving in something; Not working hard.
when i was losing very badly and all that was left was my queen and king (we were playing crazyhouse) the person sent me "you're in a blackout" i sent "bruh" i ended up winning though "january 2021 on my old account"
The opposite is true though in two ways. One, very few adults become GMs because they have other responsibilities and can't devote the time that kids do to learning. Two, kids don't think of spending hours a day at something they love as work.

Do you think when Tiger Woods had a golf club in his hand when he was two years old, that he thought of it as work?

Pretty much all chess improvement advice that you read on the internet at best only has a hint of the truth in it.
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