
Comment anything that has never been expressed


When you say 'Punishment'
-`: suffering, pain, or loss that serves as retribution (-..=)

Do you mean 'Consequences'
:c something produced by a cause or necessarily following from a set of conditions
.;s : : a conclusion derived through logic : INFERENCE

when you say Forbidden = )----: not permitted or allowed

Do you really mean: )a
: an inducement to pleasure or gain : ENTICEMENT
b : APPEAL, ATTRACTIOn = (:a Decoy for attracting animals to capture

@Xykko You've made a square observation... sound observation... clear-eyed observation... ( Sorry, I'm looking for the right adjective and I don't have a thesaurus handy. ) Astute; clever? ; nice; interesting; permitted; convenient; casual; prophetic; // You have made dialectical observation. Is the relationship between the meaning of 'forbidden' and 'mandatory' a starting point for something? A premise for a philosophical inquiry? A thematic exploration for a novel or painting? ( Tolstoy had War AND Peace... although he later renounced that work to dig into Christian mysticism. ) I like where your coming from and hope you get to where you're going... best wishes, and happy new year.

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