
how can i make money

Well, I can only agree with the idea of investing your money. Be it in stocks, tools or simply in yourself. And with the latter I mean: Look in the mirror. Do you really need that, in this thread not specified thing from the store you have seen recently? Do you think you will use it - and have fun with it - in three weeks from now? If yes - then wait three weeks and think if this is worth the price they're asking - then come back again. If not - well, at the very least don't get it.
Invest in something useful to you.
I like the idea of not only investing money but rather time and effort in a given thing. If you always wanted to play the guitar, for example, you could buy a used one (or even the cheap ones today will do) and then practice. If you are however unsure if you want to play guitar (or bass, or piano of everything else with the exception of the harmonica) then simply go ahead, wait, and in a month look at your search history to find, if you already looked up some tutorials to play the instrument without owning it already.
Where were we? Ahh, yes, invest - regardless of what you invest - invest in yourself. Make it useful.
In most countries that is considered illegal lol
@sid_2019 said in #12:
> DO a job
i can’t get hired at a job due to age but i can do stuff for money that’s for sure@george_mcgeorge said in #13:
> Well, I can only agree with the idea of investing your money. Be it in stocks, tools or simply in yourself. And with the latter I mean: Look in the mirror. Do you really need that, in this thread not specified thing from the store you have seen recently? Do you think you will use it - and have fun with it - in three weeks from now? If yes - then wait three weeks and think if this is worth the price they're asking - then come back again. If not - well, at the very least don't get it.
> Invest in something useful to you.
> I like the idea of not only investing money but rather time and effort in a given thing. If you always wanted to play the guitar, for example, you could buy a used one (or even the cheap ones today will do) and then practice. If you are however unsure if you want to play guitar (or bass, or piano of everything else with the exception of the harmonica) then simply go ahead, wait, and in a month look at your search history to find, if you already looked up some tutorials to play the instrument without owning it already.
> Where were we? Ahh, yes, invest - regardless of what you invest - invest in yourself. Make it useful.
i like the idea of going back in three weeks to look at it maybe i’ll change my mind or something
i also like what you’re getting to in your third point about doing like hobbies and stuff a bass sounds like a cool thing and woodworking looks cool too i’ll look into both over time and if it does look like the thing for me i’ll go ahead
@airfloo said in #14:
> In most countries that is considered illegal lol
am i like missing something i should know
@ airfloo said in #14:
> In most countries that is considered illegal lol
Investing in yourself is illegal? Where is that illegal?

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