
what you choose?

Would you like your child to be kind or clever?
I would just choose not to have children lol, but no kidding, of course kind. write down your choice and explain it

1. If you are too kind, people will even manipulate you into doing things that are not friendly without you realizing it.
2. if you are too clever, then you may question the concept of kindness.
A kind of moderately kind and clever, I guess.
Not Buddha kind, but like Dumbledore kind.
Not Sherlock Holmes clever, but like Obama clever, I guess.
Depends on how the kindness or cleverness is applied.

Kindness always has positive value, except when you're being kind with something where someone would apply it harmfully, or negatively. Positive Example: Kindness might be giving money to a reputatable church, which does good deeds around the world. Negative Example: Kindness might be giving cigarettes away to someone who'd smoke, applying harm to themself, eventually developing lung cancer from it, given their weakness for smoking.

Cleverness always has positive value, except when its at other people's expense. Positive Example: Re-inventing the wheel, innovation, creating a helicopter to fly. Negative example: Being clever enough to steal something from a store actually has negative value to the store owners, as well as people associated with that business, like employees who get paid from the store's ongoing success.
@morphyms1817 said in #7:
> @Aoza are you a wise soul in a young body? You ask fascinating questions.
I just love children (ps. not a pa*dophile lol)
but I do like to think :)
I'd like to have a clever child. No matter what mischief she or he may cause, as long as they become successful in life. I am happy. At the end of the day, society needs clever people. And thats the harsh truth :)
@Syunny said in #9:
> I'd like to have a clever child. No matter what mischief she or he may cause, as long as they become successful in life. I am happy. At the end of the day, society needs clever people. And thats the harsh truth :)

I wouldn't want to live in an overly harsh (or cruel) world, even if it was clever.

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