
35 Gambits

1933 • knightjayjay •
  1. Vienna Gambit
  2. Stafford Gambit
  3. Albin Counter Gambit
  4. Benko Gambit
  1. knightjayjay

Stafford gambit!

1752 • LongRoadto2000 •
  1. Stafford gambit opening moves
  2. Stafford trap 1
  3. Stafford Trap 2
  4. Stafford Trap 3
  1. LongRoadto2000

Crush Sicilian with this RARE Gambit!

1514 • Bosburp •
  1. What is the Porthsmouth Gambit?
  2. Section 1: black plays 4....d5
  3. Punishing 10....Nb8??
  4. Punishing 10....Nd8??
  1. Bosburp

CRUSH with the Vienna!

1092 • Bosburp •
  1. Intro
  2. Section 1: Vienna Gambit
  3. Vienna Gambit: 4...Qe7? Oh no my queen!
  4. Vienna Gambit: 4...Ng8 epic king hunt!
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974
  2. Bosburp

#️⃣ Italian Opening Main Ideas #️⃣

928 • m_t-N •
  1. Introduction
  2. Giuoco Pianissimo
  3. Center Attack
  4. Exercise 1 - Center Attack
  1. m_t-N

Stafford Gambit

917 • wyggam •
  1. Stafford Gambit accepted : Overview
  2. Stafford Gambit : The Big trap - 5. d3 Bc5 6. Bg5
  3. Stafford Gambit : 5. e5 Ne4 6. d4
  4. Stafford Gambit : 5. e5 Ne4 6. d3
  1. Z0r0astre
  2. wyggam

The Danish Gambit: THE MOST ATTACKING opening in chess

879 • heyucatchthis •
  1. The Danish Gambit
  2. 5. ...Nf6
  3. 5. ...Qg5
  4. 5. ...d6
  1. heyucatchthis


711 • Yonushke •
  1. Introduction
  2. Grob Gambit Accepted
  3. Grob Trap
  1. Yonushke

The King's Gambit

602 • grandmasterofkings •
  1. The King's Gambit Accepted
  1. grandmasterofkings
  2. BadBishop007

Traxler Counterattack

502 • Meane •
  1. Introduction
  2. Line 1 : Kxf2
  3. Line 1 : Exercise 1
  4. Line 1.1 : Kxf2 | Ke1
  1. Meane

The Queens Gambit!

490 • ChickensGoCluck •
  1. Queens Gambit Accepted
  2. Queens Gambit Declined
  3. Queens Gambit Accepted-Black plays e5
  4. The Queens Gambit
  1. ChickensGoCluck
  2. HalfaFace

😈Top 3 Most Attacking Gambits In Chess😈(The Death Cruise Part 2)

458 • cRusher_bOy •
  1. Welcome Aboard The Death Cruise
  2. What Is The Death Cruise?
  3. My Team & Studies
  4. Introducing: The Greco Gambit
  1. cRusher_bOy

Crush the Fried Liver attack | Ulvestad Gambit

385 • Meane •
  1. Introduction
  2. Line 1 | 6. Bxb5
  3. Line 1.1 | 9. f3 ??
  4. Line 1.1 | Exercise 1
  1. Meane

A deep study of the Grob

363 • ThatRaisinTho •
  1. Overview
  2. The most well known trap
  3. Center Claim Defense: Queen Trap
  4. Knight Trap
  1. ThatRaisinTho

Learning the Vienna opening

264 • Bredanz •
  1. Welcome
  2. KingsKnight variations
  3. Vienna Gambit 2.Nf6 accepted variation
  4. Vienna gambit 3 Knights variation
  1. Surpie2k
  2. Bredanz
  3. lil_simeon

The Halloween Gambit

248 • Kingnandi •
  1. Introduction
  2. About The Halloween Gambit
  3. The Halloween Gambit
  4. The Halloween Gambit Variation 1
  1. Kingnandi