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6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What are the most complex chess variants?#6

"Each player has a set of 402 wedge-shaped pieces of 209 types. The players must remember 253 sets of moves." Wow...

General Chess Discussion - Why are the so few women in the chess elite?#22

The thing is, ever since the middle of the last century, women have been given the same opportunities as men and yet they have still not come into an equal position in chess. My opinion is that while …

General Chess Discussion - What are the most complex chess variants?#3

Also extinction chess, where the goal is to capture one class of pieces, be it pawns, knights, king, etc.

General Chess Discussion - What are the most complex chess variants?#2

They're not that much more complicated, but I like chess with variant pieces. Grand, Embassy, and Knightmate chess are a few. Come to think of it, it would be nice to have that on lichess.

Off-Topic Discussion - What games do you guys play other than chess?#3

For me it's Acquire, Go, and Roguelike PC games.

Off-Topic Discussion - What games do you guys play other than chess?#1

Videogames, PC games, and Apps can be included
